In todays world there are a highly motivated minority who want to abuse the Messenger and his followers. Most of these misguided people use their mainstream media ownership and contacts to get their mischief spread around the world. Do not get angry, get even by promoting Islam. Use the attention created to tell the world #WhoIsMohammed? There is huge interest now in Mohammed and Islam worldwide, thanks to Islamophobic mainstream media. Let’s use this interest to tell the world #WhoIsMohammed? and why we are devoted to him and love him above all others. To focus your effort and get maximum exposure, we suggest that every Jumah (Friday) you use hashtag #WhoIsMohammed? and say a few words about The Prophet Mohammed and why we love him. Lets get together and trend this hashtag in a worldwide wave of publicity every Friday from Jakarta to Los Angeles. To ensure maximum exposure please... Read more →