Risala to Pakistan(Letter No.3 - 07/10/2014) Bismillahi-arrahman-arrraheem After greetings and salutations to Rasool sAllahu ‘alayhi wa wasalam We seek guidance from Allah (swt) to “The straight path”, we pray to Allah (swt) The Creator and Lord of the worlds, Al Hakim. Pakistan needs to unite for the Sake of the Nation The 55 days of peaceful demonstrations in Islamabad has highlighted the desperate need for Pakistan to change quickly, to deliver the badly needed socio-economic progress the 180 million population desperately need. Before commenting on the challenges which Pakistan faces, it is essential to state that Pakistan has largely failed to deliver on the ideals and beliefs of its founders Dr. Ilama Iqbal and The Great Qaid-e-Azam. To date Pakistani political forces have purposefully and tenaciously divided society into Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashtoon and Muhajar with some further minor subdivisions, enabling political control to be exercised by a few families for... Read more →