Charter for Change in Pakistan v1.0 Pakistan: No to Marshall Law, Yes to Emergency Interim Unity Government The juxtaposition of Pakistan once again is where the possibility of Marshall Law is being discussed. This time there are a multitude of catalysts which pose a threat to The Nation of Pakistan. The most notable and inflammatory voices come from some senior members of the current government who utilised the privilege of parliament to viciously attack the armed forces of The Nation. The second notable watershed incidence comes from the Media which conducted a belligerent “Trial by Television”, of the head of Pakistan’s intelligence services, following an attempted murder of a Pakistani journalist. Prophet Mohammed, Caliphs, Pakistan, Charter, Change, Marshall Law, Emergency, Interim, Unity, Government, Dr. Alama Iqbal, The Great Quaid-e-Azam, Pakistani,Imran Khan, PTI, Dr. Gene Sharp, Noam Chomsky, Gandhi, Tahir ul Khadri, PAT, Sheikh Rasheed Ahmad, AML, Nawas Sharif,Asif Zardari, Shabbaz Sharif, Altaf Hussain,elephant and flies, 11th May 2014, #RisePakistan99, Allah (swt), Shafique M.B. Azam,, @ShariaTimes3, Facebook: ShariaTimes, HRH Prince Salman Bin Abdul-Aziz, Muslim, Islam, Islamic,poverty, hunger, poor Read more →