Submissions to ShariaTimes Internet News Blog, Video, Audio and Pictures Community.
We welcome all material which is concerned with the Muslim Community or is of interest to the Muslim Community and about general or specific issues in the World Community.
All material is welcome and will be considered for posting online. If you are a journalist, community activist, professional in a particular field, a student, cyber activist or a domestic worker or just someone who wants to say or share something or have a unique view point or important information then please forward your contribution to be considered for posting online. Our aim is to have a good mix of news, articles, videos, pictures, essays, recipes, poems etc. so that an individual living anywhere in the world can keep well informed about the Muslim Community and the world in general.
Please ensure that you read our Terms and Conditions before you submit an item. You are responsible for accuracy and content of your submission.
“Don’t let others write about who you are and what you represent, put your point of view online so that you are portrayed accurately”. S. Azam - Founder ShariaTimes.